Bird Eggs

Hand-coloured engravings from 1818 by JF Naumann

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands b, 1818

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands e, 1818

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands f, 1818

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands d, 1818

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands i, 1818

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands a, 1818

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands h, 1818

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands g, 1818

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands, 1818

Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands c, 1818

Images from the 5-volume series, 'Die Eier der Vögel Deutschlands und der benachbarten Länder in naturgetreuen Abbildungen und Beschreibungen' by Johann Friedrich Naumann, 1818, at the Center for Retrospective Digitization, Göttingen (GDZ). (~Bird eggs from German and neighbouring countries - described and illustrated) [There are no further illustrations; there are two per volume. The images above were extracted from pdfs.]

Naumann (1780-1857) was a self-taught engraver and etcher and began his ornithological career by contributing illustrations and later, observations, to his father's publications on birds.

The younger Naumann followed in his father's footsteps and released many books on German birds, including his magnum opus, a 12-volume illustrated natural history of German birds. Naumann was awarded a professorship and honorary doctorate later in life, and he also co-founded the German Ornithological Society in 1850.

Previously: The Family Nest Egg.