This just in from my friend Natasha McEnroe, recently of the incredible Grant Museum and now at London's Florence Nightingale Museum:
Medical tricks and Victorian treats.....More on this event can be found here.
10am – 5pm, Monday October 24th – Friday October 28th.
The Florence Nightingale Museum, London
Free with the price of admisison
Come and follow, if you dare, the Halloween Trail at the Florence Nightingale Museum. Medical tricks and Victorian treats fill the museum over Halloween half term. Take part in quizzes and quests, grisly games and ghoulish activities, and earn a bulging goody bag. Enter the Halloween competition for a chance to win a horribly good prize.
Feast your eyes on the vermin-infested Halloween banquet! Put your life in the hands of a crazed Victorian quack doctor! And come face to face with the monster lurking underneath the haunted bed....